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Hair Extensions

Attaching Human Hair Extensions
Nicole Hudson / Hair Extensions

Attaching Human Hair Extensions

Do you want something different with your hairstyle? Would you like a bit more volume or a fuller hair bunch? Then having hair extensions attached can be a good solution for you. You can easily get longer hair, firmer curls or just more volume: it will give you just what you want. Good extensions are invisible but have a visible result. Hair extensions can be put in all kinds of hair, even in more fragile or thin hair. Are you considering this, but you are not sure what is involved? Getting hair extensions in itself is fairly simple but time consuming process, but you must take into account several important points.

What type of hair extensions will you take?

Before attaching hair extensions you must, of course, determine what type of extension you want. There are two types of hair extensions: permanent and temporary. You attach temporary extensions yourself, usually using clips. We call this variant clip extensions. Permanent extensions are, as the name suggests are permanent. These extensions, therefore, remain in place for quite a long time and need to be put in place by a hair extension professional.  Nicole Hudson and her team at the Cronulla salon have been attaching human hair extensions now for decades with hundreds of satisfied customers.

Clip extensions

The advantage of clip-in hair extensions is that they do not have to be  put on by a professional, and with a little time and effort you can do it yourself. Nicole does advise if you have little experience with putting extensions in to let your partner or friend help you. The trick is to ensure that the extensions look natural and this can be difficult, especially in the beginning. Because they are temporary, clip extensions are suitable for special occasions such as weddings, galas or other parties. You can put them in yourself before and simply take them out before bed that same evening.

The advantage of temporary hair extension is of course also the disadvantage: Temporary extensions are more vulnerable to coming off and they take time to put them in and out. This will not be an issue if you only wear them occasionally.

Permanent hair extensions

If you regularly use clip extensions and are looking for a different solution, it can be nice to have permanent hair extensions applied. Once attached you do not have to put them on and offt. Attaching human hair extensions usually takes about 2 to 3 hours. Exactly how long the hair extensions should take depends on several factors: the length of your hair, your type of hair, the technique used and of course your wishes. If you want to know how long this will take ask Nicole Hudson for a consultation or your stylist about this before treatment. The process of having human hair extensions made consists of two steps: first, the extensions are put in and then they are trimmed. Trimming is important to ensure that the extensions naturally blend into your hair.

human hair extensions cronulla
hair extensions

Who sets the extensions?

Hair Extension Cronulla Australia
hair styling services

If you opt for permanent hair extensions, you must pay careful attention to whom you have put them on. Because having hair extensions put on can nowadays be done by many people: you don’t need a hairdresser’s diploma. Courses are given in all kinds of places, but nowadays it is also possible to teach yourself using YouTube. However, this does entail risks. Because having hair extensions are put on very precisely: the extensions must look nice, natural and blend in. This means that they must be set and carefully trimmed. This is a skill that takes time and practice and Nicole Hudson has over 25 years of experience.

It is important to get good advice on how to best handle your extensions. This ensures that they last longer and that you get them back in shape at home. You know that you can come from the hairdresser with a beautiful hairstyle that you know you could not achieve yourself at home.. This applies just as well to hair extensions. And just like a bad hairstyle –  if you don’t like it, then you walk around with something you don’t feel comfortable with. That is why we always recommend having hair extensions put on by a professional hairdressing salon like Nicole Hudson’s.

Don’t do it yourself

Nicole Hudson strongly discourages you to put permanent hair extensions in at home. She does this for several reasons. First, you usually don’t see what you are doing, because you cannot see how it looks from behind. This makes it almost impossible to make something beautiful out of it. Also, there is a high chance that you will damage your hair or even burn your scalp. Specialist knowledge is required to place hair extensions in, you need to know which type best suits your hair, where you should place them, and how to maintain them. They must be carefully trimmed to match your hairstyle. This is not something everyone can do and it is very important to get good advice, because some hair types are less suitable for extensions. Certainly, thin hair often requires special treatment and then it is extra important that you know what you are doing.

You can do clip extensions yourself but, it is important to practice it the first few times, so that you get a natural looking result. You don’t want everyone to see that you have extensions.

Before Having Permanent Hair Extension Work

So you have decided to have hair extensions put on. Make an appointment with an exeprienced professional hairdresser. You can discuss the length, color, technique, etcetera in advance – how long it will take and what it will cost. The day before the extensions are to be put in make sure –

  • Wash and condition your hair
  • Do not use any styling products like cream, mouse, wax or gel
  • Ensure you do not color or bleach your hair for two weeks preceding work

Would you like to have permanent human hair extensions put on by a professional hairdresser?  You can find Nicole Hudson at her Cronulla salon ready to give you a one on one consultation where she does Human Hair Extensions with the best service.

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