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Nicole Hudson specializes in take home hair-care to help you manage and maintain healthy hair in between salon visits. Olaplex and Bhave are two favourites now available in our Cronulla hair and beauty salon

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Coconut oil is rich in lauric acid. Hair tends to absorb coconut oil easily. Visit Nicole Hudson to get latest tips for hair growth.

Frizzy hair solutions

Natural Remedies To Get Rid of Frizzy Hair

It can be very frustrating to style up your hair, to get ready for a party only to realize afterward that it has lost its shape and looks like a bird’s nest. Frizzy hair is caused by a lack of moisture and proper nourishment. It is possible to tame curly hair and make it smooth and manageable. One of the ways of taming frizzy hair is by drinking enough water and taking a balanced diet. The next step is to make use of hair masks and old oil massaging to treat your hair. Here are the tips to get rid of frizzy hair naturally: Apply Coconut oil Coconut oil...

Hair Frizz

5 Easy Home Remedies to Tame your Frizz

The humid summers and raging monsoons tend to bring several bad hair days to our lives. People with arid wavy or curly locks suffer the most as hair become totally unmanageable. Sometimes, one has no choice but to braid their hair or put them up into a compact bun. People who have active professional and social lives need to remain presentable all day; hair is an important aspect of their appearance. After all, frizzy hair is not a valid excuse for taking a day off from work or claiming worker’s compensation benefits for lost earnings. Hair frizz when they are dehydrated, i.e. they lack sufficient moisture. Constant dehydration...