Nic’s Quick Tips For Washing & Conditioning Hair
We do it practically every day … But, although it seems easy, we don’t all know how to wash our hair correctly and we can even be damaging it without knowing it. If you learn the right techniques, you will notice a big difference in the health, shine, and consistency of your hair.
Tips for washing and conditioning your hair
Did you know that in high-end hairdressers there are experts in washing hair? They are called shamponiers. Their specialty is to know everything about the washing techniques and the application of the products to achieve the result you are looking for and give your hair everything that your hair needs.
That is why it is important that you be aware of how important it is to properly wash your hair. And this is suffered by people with fine hair, who do not want to apply the conditioner as those who have long and thick hair that depending on how much they rub the hair can suffer and spend an eternity to brush and comb.
Another problem derived from a bad wash is the obstruction of the scalp where silicones and other residues accumulate that prevent hair from being born strong, because, the limitation that the hair feels asphyxiated.
Fortunately, there seems to be a way out and no, it doesn’t involve chemicals. So, don’t miss these tips on washing and conditioning hair properly in just 7 steps!
1 Start rinsing it off
Hair must be wet before applying the shampoo. Hot water will open the cuticles, and that is good for removing any dirt or product accumulated in the hair. In addition, if you rinse your hair with hot water before washing it, the scalp oils are loosened and the cuticle is opened, allowing better absorption of the shampoo and conditioner.
2 Apply the conditioner first
Only in case you have long hair, a good way to protect the tips of drying is to apply conditioner and rinse before putting on the shampoo. This will not only help keep your tips healthy but also give more moisture and shine to your hair.
3 Foam the scalp
You need to apply the shampoo just on the scalp. The hair closest to the scalp is the youngest and therefore the oiliest, while the tips are usually drier and fragile. Do not use more shampoo than you need, a small amount is enough. If your hair is particularly long or thick you can double the amount.
4 Be kind
Friction can permanently damage your hair, which can cause frizz and breakage. Therefore, you should wash your hair gently. Start at the root, massage the scalp to stimulate blood circulation in that area. Avoid circular movements that can entangle hair. Then, go to the tips but gently, avoid rubbing them or any movement that could damage them.
5 Do not repeat
Despite what it is said on the label of your beauty products, there is no need to rinse your hair twice. A single shampoo application is enough. You can make an exception if the hair is very dirty and you have not managed to leave it clean after the first wash.
6 Add conditioner to the tips
After rinsing the shampoo, squeeze the hair water a little before applying the conditioner. Keep the hair with conditioner away from the water with a cap or a clip while washing the rest of the body and let the hair absorb the conditioner. The longer the conditioner remains, the better the hair will absorb it.
Avoid applying the conditioner at the root, limit yourself only to the tips. Remember that, as it was said at the beginning if you have long hair, you can apply the conditioner before shampooing.
7 Finish by rinsing with cold water
Finally, rinse the hair with cold water. The cold water manages to close the cuticles and closes the outer layer, making the light better reflect and the hair has more shine. You do not have to wash your hair completely with cold water but you must leave it for the final part of the wash.
Follow these and many other quick tips from Nicole Hudson Cronulla hair professional and you washing and conditioning hair the right way to make it look healthy, clean, moisturized and bright.